by Tony | 26 Oct 2015 | Around Cairns, Nature
The Palm Cove pier has a resident osprey that is known locally as Scruffy. He/she steals fish from the local fishermen, and is often left treats which he then devours up on one of the light towers. He does tend to make a mess.

by Tony | 4 Oct 2015 | Sport & Action
Kitesurfer’s were out in force at Yorkeys Knob this morning. Strong winds, about 20 kites on the beach and 6-8 in the water at any one time.
All images taken with Nikon D800 and AF-S 200mm f2G VR2, many with TC-14E III 1.4x converter.
More photos available for viewing here Kitesurfing. Medium sized files are free. Full sized versions are available for purchase.